stephen's blog

Unlock China's Digital Market: 5 Winning Steps from Western Brands

In today’s issue:

  • The Simple but Effective Guide to China Digital Marketing Strategy
  • Simplify to Succeed: Why Less is More in B2B Marketing Strategies
  • A One-Size-Fits-All Social Media Strategy
  • And more….

7 Digital Marketing Challenges for Global Expansion

In today’s issue:

  • 7 digital marketing challenges for Chinese B2B companies to go overseas
  • How B2B Marketers Can Leverage Emotional Marketing
  • Brutal truth about networking
  • And more….

Digital Marketing in China: Channels and Strategies

I will be a guest speaker at the University of Houston this week. Of course, the topic will be international marketing, mostly related to China and US market entry through digital marketing.

Baidu SEO Case Study: Chinese Market Growth

During my Thanksgiving weekend, I was reviewing this year and last year.

I remembered last year I thought everything should go back to normal at the end of 2021 at the latest. It looks like I am wrong.

There are still uncertainties from this pandemic. I guess this pandemic might affect us at least for another one or two years.

How I Use AI at Work

Now it is time to have more outdoor activities.

In the last 12 months, I have often been asked, “Are you integrating AI tools into your work?”

The answer is, “Of course!”

My Observation During China Trip

I came back from my China trip earlier this month.

As usual, I tried my best to meet my teammates, clients, partners, and friends there.

Here is one important observation during my stay in Shanghai:

2024 LinkedIn Demographics

March has been my travel month for the last two years.

When you are reading this newsletter, I should be traveling in Asia.

As mentioned, I will have a bigger plan for this newsletter.

Economic Downturn Fuels Chinese Business Growth Abroad

My recent observation and experience in the Chinese market:

More B2B Chinese companies have been targeting overseas markets since 2023.


Because of the downturn in the Chinese economy.

Generally speaking, they would choose US and EU markets as a priority.

So…if your service or product can help them grow business in overseas markets…

You might find a new opportunity to grow your business as well.

Finding Clients in China's Targeted Growth Industries

One more learning during my recent China trip:

Many cities in China invest considerable resources to attract domestic and foreign businesses to their areas. 

They usually focus on certain industries, e.g., healthcare. 

There are 4 opportunities here:

1. Help them find clients 
2. Help their clients localize 
3. Help their clients grow their business
4. Help their clients get funding from PE/VC

If your service or product can help on either one of 4 opportunities…


7 Customer-Centric Steps to Upgrade Your B2B Solution

7 Steps to make your B2B solution offer better: 

1. Talk to customers. Find out what problems they have.
2. Ensure your solution can fix those problems.  
3. Write down why your solution is better from their perspective.
4. Talk to 10 potential customers with the same problems.
5. If they like your solution, sell it to them and ask why.  
6. If they don't, ask why, too.
7. Revise your offer based on what customers say. 

Doing these steps can help any B2B businesses make their offerings better for customers.