?Restart dms WeChat official account

Back to 2013

We started our WeChat official account in 2013. At that time, we set up WeChat account to investigate how to integrate WeChat API and Drupal. We even published a blog article, Drupal和微信的结合. Other than that, We didn’t really do much on our WeChat account.

After 3 years, WeChat has grown to the biggest mobile IM and social platform in China. You literally can do everything from phone call to shopping in WeChat ecosystem. As a web development and design company, we have designed and developed several WeChat mobile sites for our clients. It is time for us to run our WeChat account.


Why we need WeChat

As a B2B company, we don’t really need to use WeChat to hard sell things, like a B2C company. We position WeChat as a communication channel and development lab. The below are the goals of our WeChat:

Interact With Our Followers

We will use WeChat to interact with our followers. We don’t expect we will have millions of followers, like B2C WeChat accounts. We would rather have our target group to be our followers. We would interact with them to provide more values in our WeChat and get feedback form them.

Provide Value to Our Followers in WeChat Platform

We plan to provide valuable information and useful features in WeChat account. That is the only way to make our followers stay. We won’t do a hard-selling here.

Integrate WeChat API With Drupal Backend to Do Experiment

We used Drupal to build up a website to integrate WeChat API as a customized WeChat back-end in 2013. We will continue developing our own WeChat back-end. All the new features will be launched and test here.

Explore Different Ways to Use WeChat for B2B Business

From business perspective, a B2B company has very limited ways to use WeChat. But we believe there is still potential we can explore, especially on WeChat API development.


On the basis of the goals, we decide to have the features below:

Publish Industry News

We will provide industry news and valuable articles every month. We will collect the feedbacks from followers to provide better information in the future.

Publish Company News

We constantly publish articles on our company blog. We will hand-pick valuable tech-related and design-related articles from our company blog.

Customer Service

WeChat has a powerful customer service API. We plan to integrate API to provide better customer service support. It has been on our roadmap already.

Ticket Center

We haven’t decided how to develop this feature, but it is on our roadmap. Since most people use mobile phones more often than desktop computers, we believe a WeChat ticket center will reduce friction for our clients to submit issues.

Follow Us

There will be more features to launch in our WeChat account. It will depend on how WeChat team develops API, since they constantly improve and release new APIs. We will keep posed on our company blog.

If you are curious how we develop our WeChat or would like to receive valuable information. Please search our WeChat ID: dminorstudio and follow us.