Think Global, Act Local: Optimizing Your China Digital Marketing Strategy

8 out of 10 marketing leaders probably don’t know this. 

Are you one of them? 

People might think the Greater China (Mainland China, Taiwan, Macau, Hong Kong) areas have the same internet landscape. 

It is not true.

Let me list popular applications in each area.

1. Taiwan: Line (an instant message app), Facebook, and Google.
2. Hong Kong: WhatsApp, Facebook, and Google.
3. Macau: WeChat, Facebook, and Google.
4. Mainland China: WeChat, Baidu (search engine in China), and Weibo (Twitter in China).

In addition to the difference in popular apps, there is one subtlety that needs attention: 

Written characters.

Yes, the Greater China areas all use Chinese characters.

But there is a difference…

1. Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan: Traditional Chinese Characters.
2. Mainland China: Simplified Chinese Characters.

Developing the right marketing strategy requires consideration of the preferences in the reach area.

Otherwise, your digital marketing efforts may not effectively reach your target audience.