stephen's blog

Don't Make This Critical Mistake After Generating B2B Leads

Don't make this B2B digital marketing mistake after generating leads.

This mistake can still fail your campaigns. 

Even you generate many leads. 

We all know one of the primary goals for B2B digital marketing is to generate sales leads.

But there is one more step to do after the leads are generated. 

That is to measure lead quality.

Sure, you can use powerful CRM to score leads.

But there is an easy way to get the best measurement...

“Talk to Your Sales Team!”

Your sales team can tell you how good your leads are.

The #1 B2B Marketing Mistake You Must Avoid at All Costs

One big B2B digital marketing mistake… 

You MUST avoid at all cost.

The sooner you optimizes it, the less damage you will receive…👇

Every B2B company should spend enough resources on self-owned online channels.

There are two self-owned online channels every B2B company must have:

1. Website
2. Email list

Don’t just rely on LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube, Amazon, etc.

Don’t think you don’t need a website or email list to promote your business online.

The B2B Marketing Mistake That Cripples Business

One big B2B digital marketing mistake… 

You MUST avoid at all cost.

The sooner you optimizes it, the less damage you will receive…👇

Every B2B company should spend enough resources on self-owned online channels.

There are two self-owned online channels every B2B company must have:

1. Website
2. Email list

Don’t just rely on LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube, Amazon, etc.

Don’t think you don’t need a website or email list to promote your business online.

Why Sales Teams are Marketing's BFF for B2B Success

Successful B2B marketing campaigns need strong sales team support.

No exception.

As a marketing leader, you will need a sales team to:👇

1. Provide first-hand customer profile information.
2. Let you know what products or services the customers like and dislike and why.
3. Follow up with leads and provide the feedback.
4. Inform you of the objections from potential customers.
5. Help you identify which value proposition is effective.

The reality is… 

The Old Way is Out: Why B2B Marketing Needs a New Approach

How to do B2B marketing:

Old way

1. Heavily invest in trade shows.
2. No clear ROI measurements.
3. Only sales lead marketing.
4. Ignore marketing.

New Way

1. Sales and marketing work together.
2. Data-driven marketing to build up relationships.
3. Use digital marketing aligned with offline marketing to maximize ROI.
4. Strategically invest in trade shows by measuring ROI.

Marketing + Sales > Sales

99% of B2B Strategies Fail the Long Game

99% of B2B digital marketing strategy I see doesn’t do enough:

* Playing a long game
* Collecting market feedback and data
* Talking to customers

Too much quick win.

Not enough strategic play.

The Overlooked Market Entry Tactic: Brand Partnerships

One B2B marketing tactic most companies often forget when entering a new international market…

You can use brand and product collaboration partnerships to enter a new international market. 

Your company has a unique technology and a well-known brand outside a new international market.

Consider partnering with a local brand in a new international market to utilize your technology in their products.

Yes, just like Intel.

They don’t sell their products to end users.

Expanding Your Horizons: When B2B Digital Marketing Makes Sense

I don’t think every B2B company needs digital marketing. 

If you are in the niche industry and only targeting several accounts…

The truth is you probably don’t need any B2B digital marketing campaigns.

You just need a company website.

You should put more resources into your sales team.

On the other hand, if you are expanding to any new market segments… 

Where many potential clients don’t know you or you don’t know exactly who your potential clients are.

B2B Digital marketing campaigns will come in handy. 

From One-to-One to One-to-Many: Optimizing Sales and Marketing Follow-Ups

Sales is all about follow-up.

Not only sales but marketing is also the process of follow-up.

They are just in different forms.

Sales is a one-to-one follow-up.

Marketing is one-to-many follow-up.

You will need both forms to build up the trust with clients.

More importantly, whether sales or marketing follow-up, you all need to do it more than once…

Probably much more than once.

Entering New Markets: To Cut or Not to Cut Prices?

Your price is high…

When you enter the new international market.

What can you do? 

There are typically four ways to solve this problem:

1. Lower your price