How I Use AI at Work

Dminorstudio Newsletter

April 28th, 2024


Finally, the summer is coming.

Now it is time to have more outdoor activities.

In the last 12 months, I have often been asked, “Are you integrating AI tools into your work?”

The answer is, “Of course!”

Let’s admit AI is inevitable, whether we like it or not.

I am sure my 10-year-old son will use AI for his studies soon.

For me, the real question should be:

“What use case does the AI tool provide the most value at my work?”

Most people might guess content writing or idea generation.

None of them are the answers.

Idea generation is on my top list, but not the top 1.

Content generation is not even on my top list.

In my humble opinion, AI writing is still not close to human writing if you really want high-quality content.

The answer for me is “Gap Analysis.”

In a business scenario, the gap analysis helps businesses understand where they are, where they want to be, and what they need to do to bridge the gap between the two.

Let’s use my newsletter writing as an example.

Step 1: Set up a target audience persona in my ChatGPT.

Step 2: Give AI the results I want from my newsletter.

Step 3: Ask AI to give me feedback on my newsletter from my target audience’s perspective.

You can apply this approach to research reports, PowerPoint presentations, focus group questions, current news, industry trends…., or almost anything you can upload to ChatGPT.

This way, you can always get feedback in real-time without finding people to ask.

That is what makes AI shine.

Many people don’t even know they can use it that way.

What is the most valuable AI use case for you?

Reply to this and let me know.

⭐ My Daily Post

🧙‍♂️ My Picks

❤️ My Favorite Thing

  • DDC Fluids Unit — I love the design and simplicity of this water bottle. It has been my go-to at home and the gym.

📚 What I Have Watched

  • Mr Bates vs The Post Office — Don’t shy away from its strange name. Watch the first episode. 99% chance you will finish it (only 4 episodes). This show is based on a true story and has a true social impact.

Thanks for reading, Be relaxed, and Enjoy your day🎈!

Stephen Tseng