7 Digital Marketing Challenges for Global Expansion

Dminorstudio Newsletter

June 27th, 2024

Hey, it’s Stephen.

Two things about the newsletter I wanted to share with you:

  1. I changed my email service provider.

    If you saw my email from a different domain name or sender, that is normal during the initial transition.

    Feel free to reply to this newsletter if you have any questions or concerns.

  2. I have added a new section, Deep Dive, since this issue.

    In Deep Dive, I wrote down my thoughts on a specific topic.

    Scroll down. You will see it.

    Hope you will enjoy it.

In today’s issue:

  • 7 digital marketing challenges for Chinese B2B companies to go overseas
  • How B2B Marketers Can Leverage Emotional Marketing
  • Brutal truth about networking
  • And more….

My Daily Post

📖 Deep Dive - 7 digital marketing challenges for Chinese B2B companies to go overseas

I saw those challenges repeatedly when I worked with Chinese B2B companies.

If your business can help them solve those challenges, you might find new growth opportunities.

Top 7 digital marketing challenges for Chinese B2B companies to go overseas.

  1. Don’t understand the internet ecosystem outside China

Most Chinese B2B companies are unfamiliar with the internet environment outside China’s firewall.

  1. Not familiar with business communication channels

In China, most business online communication happens on WeChat.

People might use email, text messages, different messaging apps, video apps, and more outside China.

  1. Not get used to more fragmented online channels

In China, B2B companies just need to focus on fewer digital marketing channels, e.g., WeChat, Baidu, or Weibo.

Outside China, there are many more channels to consider, e.g., Google, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter.

  1. Different user behaviors

In China, users value convenience more and mix personal & professional life online.

People might value privacy more outside China and separate personal life from professional life online.

  1. Current product/service positioning is not working

What works in China might not work outside China.

They might need to have a new value proposition and target audience.

  1. Have too much data to analyze

The internet has more transparency outside China.

This means that there is much more data from the internet to analyze.

  1. Don’t understand online tools/systems outside of China

Due to China’s unique internet environment, online tools may only work within the country’s internet ecosystem.

When Chinese companies go overseas, they need to relearn the new tools and systems that work outside China.

🧙‍♂️ My Picks

📚 What I Have Watched

  • Hacks — It is probably the best comedy TV show I have watched this year so far. It is also very inspiring. The show explores an intergenerational friendship and mentorship between a legendary comedian and a young comedian writer, which is a unique and compelling narrative

Before you go: Here are 2 ways I can help

  1. B2B Digital Marketing Solution — We help B2B companies grow business through proven B2B digital marketing approaches.
  2. China B2B Digital Marketing Solution — We use China-specific digital marketing approaches to help B2B companies grow in China market.

Thanks for reading, be cool🧊, and enjoy hot summer☀️!

Stephen Tseng