The Boring SEO Task Your B2B Firm is Avoiding (and Why You Shouldn't)

The No.1 thing most B2B firms fail to do in Google and Baidu SEO projects.

It is the thing that doesn’t require much SEO knowledge.

And it is highly controllable. Here it is...👇

"Generate and publish the content regularly."

If we put it in perspective, it is not that hard.

All we need to do is schedule a (or someone's) time to produce and publish the content. 

But most people, including myself sometimes, fail to do so.


Because writing content and publishing are boring tasks. 

Our brains don't want to do it.

The truth is…

Most things that can move the needle in business are boring, e.g., sales follow-up.

So, next time you feel you should do this thing but keep putting it off, do it first.

Trust me… a 99% percent chance you will thank yourself for doing it.