stephen's blog

Beyond Vanity Metrics for B2B Success

If your perfect B2B digital marketing means: 

- A beautiful website, 
- Fancy online ads
- Famous influencers 

Without tracking conversion, you're winning in reverse.

The Myth of Quick Wins in B2B Marketing

So many B2B marketers talk about “quick wins.”

In my opinion, you never win quickly.

You simply keep trying and optimizing.

Winning is a long journey.

You get to love this journey.

No More Amateur B2B Marketing

Don't do B2B marketing like an amateur.

Instead, try this:

1. Understand your customers:

- What are the pain points?
- What is the goal?
- What is their business model?

2. Develop the correct value propositions:

- Why do they need your solution?
- How does your solution solve the problem?
- What are the results?

7 Must-Use B2B Digital Channels in China

7 effective B2B digital marketing channels in China without wasting your money…👇

1. B2B Website.

It serves as a channel and a central traffic conversion hub.

You need good content, messaging, and a funnel to convert traffic.

N0. 2-6 channels are all connected to the website.

Those channels will direct the traffic to the website.

2. Baidu SEO

Baidu SEO serves as a long-term inbound channel.

It should focus on more long-tail and less competitive keywords.

3. Baidu PPC

LinkedIn Marketing: It's Not Just About Posting Content

LinkedIn marketing is not only about posting your content.

The content is just part of the system, but not all.

You need to engage your target audience proactively.👇

Two ways to engage:

1. Through posts or article comments to have a conversation.

2. Through DM to have a conversation.

In LinkedIn marketing, the content serves as a tool.

Use content as a magnet to start a conversation.

Many B2B companies post content and wait for leads to come.

They do it wrong!

B2B Value Proposition Validation for Global Entry

Don’t make this B2B marketing mistake when expanding to new international markets.

When B2B companies consider expanding their business to new international markets…

It is easy to assume the same value proposition and brand message that works in the home market will work in the international market.  

It is a dangerous assumption. 

The truth is what works in the home market might not work in the new international markets.

It is always better to validate this assumption during the evaluation stage.

Maximize Your Reach: Leveraging WeChat for Marketing in China

Try this when you chat with any potential customers in China on social media platforms.👇

When you engage with potential customers in China on any social media platforms outside China…

You should do one thing:

Ask for their WeChat ID shamelessly and continue your conversation on WeChat.

Almost all the people in China use WeChat.

They need to use WeChat several times a day. 

Plus, China’s firewall blocks most social media platforms outside China but doesn’t block WeChat at all.

Forget Unique Visitors: Why Page Views Win in B2B Niches

Stop chasing the highest unique visitor number on your data report.

It doesn't work in the B2B niche market.


If your target market is a niche, you should focus on page views rather than unique visitors on your traffic data.

In other words, you should focus on returning users on your traffic data.

Here is the reason…

If your market is a niche segment, it usually means the number of your target audience is relatively small and very specific.

Navigating the Maze of Greater China's Fragmented Internet Ecosystem

8 out of 10 marketing leaders probably don’t know this.

Are you one of them?

People might think the Greater China (Mainland China, Taiwan, Macau, Hong Kong) areas have the same internet landscape.

It is not true.

Each area has popular applications.

1. Taiwan: Line (an instant message app), Facebook, and Google.
2. Hong Kong: WhatsApp, Facebook, and Google.
3. Macau: WeChat, Facebook, and Google.
4. Mainland China: WeChat, Baidu (search engine in China), and Weibo (Twitter in China).

The Art and Science of Following Up in Business

Sales is all about follow-up.

Not just sales, marketing is also the process of follow-up.

They are just in different forms.

Sales is a one-to-one follow-up.

Marketing is one-to-many follow-up.

You will need both forms to build up the trust with clients.

Whether sales or marketing follow-up, you all need to do it more than once…

Probably much more than once.