

How I work as a remote worker


Being a remote worker for more than two years, I have learned few things to make it work. If you can find out what your best way to work remotely is. Working remotely will be more productive than working in the office when it comes to creative work.


The Significant Differences of Web UI&UX in China


When a company is considering to enter the Chinese Market and setup the corporate website, you must know the following UI&UX differences to the West!


How to build a website for Chinese market


The China internet market is different from the rest of the world. When most of internet world uses Google, YouTube, and Twitter, the Chinese internet world has its own rules. Due to internet censorship, most mainstream web services might not work in China.


Restart dms WeChat official account


We started our WeChat official account in 2013. At that time, we set up WeChat account to investigate how to integrate WeChat API and Drupal. We even published a blog article, Drupal和微信的结合. Other than that, We didn’t really do much on our WeChat account.


Redesign company website


We have been working on our new company website since last year. Just like most other agencies, it always takes forever to finish internal projects. It is the third time to redesign our website. The following are highlights of our new website.